Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quien Es Consolidated Credit Counseling Services?


Consolidated Credit Counseling Services, Inc. es una organización que ofrece servicios de programas de manejo de deudas desde los principios de los 90s. Consolidated Credit es lider en la industria de la consejería de crédito y ayuda en las finanzas personales en los Estados Unidos a través de programas de manejo de deudas.

Servicios de Manejo de Deudas

Consolidated Credit Counseling Services, Inc. ofrece varios programas de manejo de deudas.

Deuda de Tarjetas de Crédito

Consolidated Credit Counseling Services, Inc. ha ayudado a más de 5 millones de personas con sus problemas de tarjetas de crédito, a tarves de sus programas de consejería de crédito.

Para mayor información, favor visite la página web

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Becoming operationally ready to market to and support Hispanic web campaigns

Spanish web support through free hosting and direct translation services is not as simple as it may sound. The free services can lead to inaccurate translations especially when marketing to professional within the Hispanic community. The creation of a Spanish website should only be attempted after the hosting company is operationally ready to offer professional support to a Spanish Audience. This would include websites that are fully operational to Spanish speaking consumers and professionals who may find product/service descriptions difficult to understand. Making transactions easier for the Hispanic audience that are Spanish-language preferred or reliant by listing product descriptions and service links in Spanish will help consumers complete transactions for both products and services. A friendly and accurate Hispanic website will also sell itself within the Hispanic Community adding success to both short and long-term web marketing initiatives.

Multichannel Spanish Language Service Websites

The obstacles that exist in starting a Spanish website will appear quickly. The goal of accurately and efficiently reaching the majority of the Spanish speaking audience can be achieved by using a multichannel Spanish language services. The multichannel Spanish language service will allow the website to trend or rank which in turn allows consumers to easily access the website. Marketing initiatives or campaigns that target the online Hispanic market will require the use of a third-party translation service. The third-party transactions service will create properly worded content that is search-engine and directory friendly. The goal of a multichannel marketing strategy is to reach more consumer groups which should provide a broader customer base. Including Spanish language marketing materials and other target resources will help store-front business to build a larger Hispanic customer base, the broader the spectrum the better.

Operationally Integrated Websites Interface for Hispanic Consumer

The goal of becoming a on-line sales website begins by bridging the language barrier between English websites and Hispanic consumers. This will include being able to offer Spanish speaking customers support in their language. Being able to communicate effectively and efficiently with Spanish speaking customers will improve customer relationships and customer satisfaction. Happy customers means repeat business and increased referrals.

Helping Hispanic Consumers Assess Customer Service Options

Being able to provide customer service for Spanish speaking customers is important. Support through a telephone system may be difficult but not impossible. All consumers need a method to make comments, ask questions or to issue complaints. Being able to monitor these analytic data trends can help businesses improve customer relationships.

Building realistic resources before beginning an online marketing campaign is a critical first step in marketing to the Hispanic consumer. Understanding the needs of the Hispanic customer(s) and being able to provide customer positive customer service options to the consumer is also a critical step in having a successful marketing campaign.

Determine the available resources, the method by which these resources will be applied and measure the results of how consumers utilize these resources as a means to identify opportunities to improve customer relationships. Being prepared to meet the needs of customers is one of the best ways to ensure that consumers remain loyal.

So, what did you think of this post? Post a comment (good or bad) and if you liked it, please tweet or email about it!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Latinos Role in National Politics

With the reapportionment changes recently released by the 2010 U.S. Census, Latinos likely will play a larger role in national politics in the coming decade. Two states that gained seats, Florida and Nevada, have been key swing battlegrounds in recent presidential elections (having voted for the Republican nominee in 2004 and the Democrat in 2008). In both states, Latinos are a growing share of eligible voters.

The number of the Latinos eligible to vote continues to grow. Since 2000, nearly 6 million more Latinos have become eligible to vote. The bulk of this growth was attributable to the 5 million U.S. born Latino youths nationwide who turned 18 during this past decade. That translates into an additional half-million U.S. born Latinos coming of age each year-a pattern that is certain to persist, and grow, in the coming decades.

Source: The 2010 Congressional Reapportionment and Latinos