Mobimarketers and Hispanics
Currently, mobimarketing can be a very powerful tool in order to reach Hispanic customers. Mobimessenger can send instant messages to a wide variety of Hispanic consumers. Business owners can easily create distribution groups and import customer contact lists. This enables business owners to keep customers informed of new products, services, discounts, or promotional information. MobiMessenger includes an option for sending messages in a foreign language also. Most MobiMessenger tools are Freeware and therefore, can be easily distributed.
Where to Target Hispanic Mobile Users
Mobimarketers seeking to reach customers may begin by soliciting responses through newspaper advertisements. Online newspapers are growing in popularity among Hispanic customers. Some of the more popular Hispanic online newspapers are,, and AOL Latino. Hispanic consumers also frequently peruse local newspapers indigenous to the home countries. Given that Hispanics spend an average of 9.5 hours online per week, this is a good source to receive mobile phone numbers for marketing purposes. Hispanics are literate online users of the internet. Hispanics also spend an average of $1200 in online purchases per year. Mobimarketers are likely to reach the Hispanic market under the age of 35 on the internet.
Industries and Companies targeting Hispanic Mobile Users
Hispanic mobile users view items such as sports, music, movies, shopping, online contests, and sweepstakes. Other communities market health care through mobimarketing. However, mobimarketers are more likely to reach Hispanic consumers as it relates to the aforementioned topics. Hispanic consumers may also respond to mobile marketing as it relates to issues concerning family.
Mobile Marketing and SMS
Mobile marketers most often use SMS and messaging as the primary mode of communication through mobimarketing. Mobile marketing also includes online newspaper subscriptions and other forms of online advertising. While mobile users are more reticent about purchasing an online newspaper, the idea is growing in popularity. Nearly, 36% of online users will consider purchasing a paper online.
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Mobile video, such as YouTube and other forms of video are also considered viable forms of mobimarketing among consumers. Marketers should consider marketing via video in order to capture the portion of the Hispanic market that primarily shops on the internet.
Many businesses overlook the Hispanic community because of language barriers or because of other reasons. Mobimarketers should consider the Hispanic market as a viable source for finding consumers for products and services.
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